Freedom on the water
Our Fleet
Each week several our clients, along with their carers choose to join us for a ride on our Pontoon Boat (Freedom) where they travel around the beautiful Broadwater of the Gold Coast visiting the Sovereign Islands or parts of the Runaway Bay waterways and canals

Some clients and carers prefer our 4.75 Savage Dolphin (Flipper).

Many choose to sail on one of our two Payne Salvo day sailor yachts (Spirit and Hope)

While others prefer to sail in and often try their hand at sailing one of our 12 Hansa ‘double’ skiffs

Several our clients are competent sailors and will sail on one of our two 2.3 ‘single’ skiffs.

Forming part of our ‘Pathway to Individual Achievement’ sees many of our volunteers and clients seeking proficiency on the SKUD 18