Alan Tayt – President
Retiring from full time work 20 months ago after careers in computing and construction Alan spent a considerable time throughout his working life volunteering with Apex, major golf tournaments, P&C Committees, many school sports team roles and reading to state school students.  Alan now volunteers with Southport Yacht Club and of course Sailability.

As president Alan has committed to communicating with members and other stakeholders to develop strategies to ensure that Sailability Gold Coast remains a sustainable, vibrant, effective and fun place for volunteers, clients and carers.




Ben Noonan – Vice President
Ben has been with Sailability since 2012 and has found his passion in sailing.  Ben started to sail in the 303’s which came relatively easy as he had grown up yachting.  Moving to racing a Liberty with and against Brendan Hain (who continues to sail regularly each Thursday with Sailability Gold Coast) Ben won the Access class in the open B division with help from volunteers like Bob and Margaret Chapel and Brendan’s parents.  Ben has competed in both State and National titles and currently sails in the two person SKUD.  Ben represents Sailability GC to the world as a disabled sailor.



Ben considers himself a professional volunteer but does work on a casual basis for Stadiums Queensland. His joy in life is found in giving back to the community and competing in sport.


Ben started with Rollerblaze wheelchair basketball in 2009 and, together with another player, has been running this social competition and training program for the past two years taking over from the woman founder first started in 2008.


Ben considers his skills as a volunteer to be communication where he can make a genuine connection with people promoting Sailability Gold Coast as a fun place to volunteer.


Ben’s time as a committee member is dedicated to managing the web site, social media platforms and visiting clients, sponsors and government representatives.  He also represents the committee in many NDIS matters.


David Elliott – Treasurer
David is the Treasurer for both Sailability Gold Coast and Sailability Queensland managing all financial matters, ensuring that Sailability Gold Coast is compliant with regulatory and reporting issues.



David has crafted a successful career in accounting and his presence on the Sailability Gold Coast is comforting.


Alan Stevens – Secretary
Alan’s role is one of the most important in the club controlling much of the administrative processes.  The Secretary is the point of contact for mail from outside agencies and sends official correspondence on behalf of the Club.  Alan is often the point of contact for carers and clients seeking information on the Sailability offer. Alan records, produces and distributes the minutes of each committee meeting and assists in developing the agenda for committee meetings.  Alan manages database records for Sailability Gold Coast including the membership, blue card/yellow card records and all manner of other detail including financial status of members.  Alan sends out notices to club members of upcoming events, the AGM, the agenda for the AGM, voting compliance at the AGM and records and distributes the minutes of the AGM.



Greg Wright – Committee member
Greg has enjoyed a long career in the boating industry and Marina Management, boat sales and boat maintenance industries and at one time owned and flew his own plane to meet client commitments.  Greg’s boating knowledge is enormous and his commitment to Sailability Gold Coast over many years was recognised last year with him being named Volunteer of the Year Gold Coast 2019.



Greg has held several committee roles with Sailability Gold Coast and was Vice President in 2017 and 2018.


Greg’s current role with the committee is Purchasing Officer, maintaining our fleet of vessels and keeping up to date our Assets, an enormous role where his attention to detail is paramount.


Di Hunt – Committee member
Di is known to most volunteers and clients at Sailability Queensland and for good reason.  Di is the first person at Sailability Gold Coast that most people will meet.  Inducting new volunteers and working with the Secretary to process blue card, yellow card, uniform sales and so a long list goes on.



Di is also responsible for the annual social activity program (with assistance for Ronnie Lee).  Beyond this Di manages supplies for each week, drives the Facebook page, fields calls from all manner of people making enquiries about all manner of things about Sailability Gold Coast, she crews on Hope and Spirit, organises and/or attends many of the ‘awareness events’ that Sailability Gold Coast takes a presence in, she is the resident photographer and provides a service picking Lotto numbers for anyone willing to donate the $10,000 fee to Sailability Gold Coast. PHEW!


Di is the current Sailability Gold Coast Volunteer of the Year … wonder why?


Kerry Cini – Committee member
Again, Kerry would be known to many of you as the Officer of the Day (OOD), a tough role (she makes it look easy but it is far from that) that far beyond the allocation of skippers and boats on the 303 fleet is responsible for WH&S in what is the most ‘incident’ prone area of our ‘sailing day’ activities.



Kerry is committed to every task she undertakes and is a ‘rolled up sleeves’ operator.  She has known many, if not most, of our clients for many years and is aware of their idiosyncrasies, likes and dislikes.


Beyond the demanding role of OOD Kerry supports Di in many of the social activities and supports committee members where she can.


Neil Rowsthorn – Committee member
Neil epitomises what Sailability is all about.   He nominated for a position on the Sailability committee this because of his experience volunteering with other community groups including the Rural Fire Service. The experience has taught Neil to consider all points of view and come to a balanced position. His main goal over the coming year is to help set up a race program for both volunteers and clients.



Mike McGehan – Committee member
With more than 50 years’ sailing experience Mike is from the City of Sails, Auckland New Zealand. He was born into a sailing family. He spent most summers boating on Auckland Harbour before moving to live in Napier where he started racing offshore in a Laurie Davidson half-tonner.  With a move to Australia in 1982, where sailing took a back seat to working and raising a family (Queensland Rail 25years and a Training Consultant for 10years), Mike found a real passion with retirement.  Retiring in 2017 he considers himself ‘lucky enough’ to have found Sailability Gold Coast where volunteering has allowed him to renew his passion for sailing.


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