Volunteering at Sailability GC
Sailability Gold Coast is a 100% voluntary organisation and new volunteers are always welcome.
People volunteer for a variety of reasons, with the main reason being that volunteers simply enjoy helping others. Many also want to learn new skills and gain experience, or simply meet new people.
Volunteers are members of a very special family and experience a special pride, camaraderie and social connection.

As many are sailors with decades of experience, you will often find yourself having a chat over a tea or coffee – learning, sharing, teaching, giving and getting advice and, most often, having a good laugh together.
Clients and carers rely on volunteers to be there to take them for a sail or a boat ride and no doubt value the dedication and commitment.
If you are interested in finding out more please come along to see what we do and if being a Sailability volunteer is for you.
Where & When:
- Southport Yacht Club Hollywell, 1 Marina Cresent Hollywell 4216
- Tuesdays- 8.00a.m. to 1.00p.m is our main Volunteer day for our many clients.
- Thursdays- 8.45a.m. to 11.30a.m are training days for volunteers and we also have a small number of clients.
Our volunteers at the Administration Desk will be happy to assist you with the process of becoming a Sailability Volunteer on your morning visit, including :
- Welcome and introductory orientation
- Filling in a Membership form
- Completing an application form for a Blue Card
- Pay the yearly membership ($20.00)
We look forward to meeting you.