▪   Phone  0407 979 666  after 7.00am to check if sailing is ‘ON’   ▪

▪  Phone 0407 979 666 after 7.00am to check if sailing is ‘ON’ ▪

Freedom on the Water

Regardless of Ability

InSYnC magazine Article

InSYnC magazine Article This article recently appeared in the current issue of the Southport yacht Club InSYnC Magazine. This is the unedited version InSYnC magazine Article At the commencement of this my first year as President of Sailability Gold Coast, I have found myself, naturally I think, pondering Sailability’s raison d'etre, why it works so well, what makes it tick, what of relationships with stakeholders, what the future might hold and how might we prepare for that future? These musings inexplicably took me back many decades to Mr (Darby) Munro, a Latin teacher in secondary school.  Although I never truly came to grips with the forms of declension in Latin, Mr Munro instilled in me a fascination with the pithy nature of the Latin language.  You know the [...]

By |2024-12-05T15:22:45+10:00March 16th 2020|Archived Posts, Freedom News Vol 20 Issue 2|

Bert Francis – Life Member (2018)

Bert Francis – Life Member (2018) This photograph shows Bert Francis (one of our long-serving volunteers at SailabilityGC and a long-time skipper of our support boats) at the wheel of a tourist boat on Lake Lucerne in Switzerland. Bert, together with his partner Lee, was visiting Switzerland a few years back when he decided to have a chat with the Captain of the tourist boat. Bert does love a chat and no more so than to chat about boats. Upon Bert sharing his experience of many years with both Sailability and the Coast Guard on the Gold Coast the Captain of the tourist boat had no hesitation in passing the wheel over to Bert and even loaned Bert his captain’s hat. Some say that apart from his partner [...]

By |2021-08-26T22:34:56+10:00March 16th 2020|Freedom News Vol 20 Issue 2|

Wyn Treasure – a mainstay of Sailability Gold Coast

Wyn Treasure – a mainstay of Sailability Gold Coast Twenty years ago, Wyn Treasure of Southport Yacht Club (SYC) became aware that two doctors were seeking a sailing activity for a client with a disability, Cathy Post.  Dr David Straton told Cathy of a sailing dinghy which might help to realise her dream of overcoming her disability and sailing independently.  Doctors Straton and Sivyer of the Gold Coast Care for Children Fund had acquired an Access 2.3m dinghy and donated it to the Cerebral Palsy League.  ‘Accessability’ was chosen as the name for the donated dinghy. This seemingly benign set of circumstances proved to be the genesis of Sailability in QLD creating the first Sailability club in QLD – Sailability Gold Coast. Cathy Post, together with a woman [...]

By |2021-08-26T22:40:18+10:00March 16th 2020|Freedom News Vol 20 Issue 2|

InSYnC article 2013-2014

InSYnC article 2013-2014 The following page, linked below, is from the summer (2013-2014) edition of Southport Yacht Clubs’ InSYnC magazine. The Sailability column refers to the passing of Wyn Treasure who many consider the real force in establishing Sailability Gold Coast and Sailability Queensland. The InSYnC article 2013-2014 Back to News

By |2020-03-16T23:49:48+10:00March 16th 2020|Freedom News Vol 20 Issue 2|

Kevin’s Journey

Kevin’s Journey Kevin Garcia is one of the longest serving SailabilityGC volunteers still at the workface at Hollywell today. Some 30 years ago with a career well advanced with Telstra, Kevin contracted Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and was forced to retire early on a disability pension. But this interruption was not the first to have a major impact on the journey that has been Kevin’s life to date.  In an age of conscription (which many of the current Sailability volunteers will recall – some vividly) Kevin’s number was drawn, and he found himself in the Australian Army Signals Corp and in Vietnam where he spent almost 12 months of his life. Picking up from where he left off before national service duty, he resumed his career in electrics and [...]

By |2020-03-16T23:50:03+10:00March 16th 2020|Freedom News Vol 20 Issue 2|

Talk to the President

Talk to the President You should have my email address ([email protected]) and telephone number (0427 026 001) and use them. Please let me know what ideas you might have and what suggestions you would like to put forward be it regarding processes, social events, boats, rosters, clients,  volunteer training or any other thing that might be relevant to who and what we are and what it is that we do. I am part of a team of volunteers that make up the Sailability Gold Coast committee and we will consider, discuss and implement where we can. Back to News

By |2020-03-16T23:50:19+10:00March 16th 2020|Freedom News Vol 20 Issue 2|

President’s Column

President’s Column The first edition of Freedom News for this year was despatched just a few days before Australia Day and we had achieved a strike rate of 50% in terms of Tuesday sailing days. Here we are with 10 weeks of the ‘2020 sailing year’ behind us and our strike rate is at 50% in terms of sailing days. Fate deals a hand to each of us every day of our lives and it’s how we play that hand every day that becomes the narrative for our life. You will read about some of those hands and how they were dealt with in this newsletter and a couple more in the new web site released this week. I hope, like me you are inspired to deal with [...]

By |2020-03-16T23:50:34+10:00March 16th 2020|Freedom News Vol 20 Issue 2|
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